Sunday, November 13, 2011

Good Reading Material Category Fiction

I often find myself with some spare time on the weekend to read Novels Generally from our Local Public Library or that I have received as gifts.
I believe that Fiction well written is a wonderful way to escape the world we know and experience the world of others all done in the confimes of one's own residence.
This weekend I finished reading "Solar" by Ian McEwan who is an English Author.
He has at the time of this post authored 13 Novels. I read "Amsterdam" to which he was awarded the Booker Prize for Literature the English equivalent of The Giller here in Canada. I also picked up another of his titled "On Chesil Beach" Like all good fiction it lures you in until your imagination is captivated and you refuse to let go."Atonement" which is also been highly recommended is next on my List to read as I cannot recall all of the novels that I may have read by him.

I also read a while back "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel He also won the Man Booker Prize another Novel that is pure escapism first published in 2001 but discovered by me some years later. Martel was born in Spain but resides in Canada.

"The Cellist of Sarajevo" by Steven Galloway is also a short good read published in 2008 wwith a unique tale of The conflict which occurred in the former Yugoslavia. The imagery of this war torn conflict is quite amazing.

Generally it is a safe bet to look for Authors who have received the Nobel Prize The Man Booker Prize Pulitzer Prize or the Giller Prize.or those who are in the running and have made the short list

Popular books worth consideration especially if you are interested in East Coast Maritime Culture "The Bishop's Man" By Linden Macintyre "Island" by Alistair MacLeod
"Shipping News" by E Annie Proulx an American writer first published in 1993 and still a wonderful read, All have tidy neat stories interwoven with the customs and habits of a great part of the Canadian Life.