Monday, December 17, 2012

Crime & Vandalism Recommended Practices

The crime...
...It's thrilling when it's fiction and in a blockbuster movie...
...But it's far from entertaining when it happens to you.

According to Statistics Canada, there are over one million property crimes in Canada each year. Help ensure our clients' buildings aren't a target for crime and vandalism. Good maintenance and housekeeping can help act as deterrents: properties are less susceptible to loss from crime and vandalism when they look like their owners care. Use our Crime & Vandalism Prevention Checklist found in our knowledge centre at to help our clients focus on this.

A few key crime and vandalism facts:
  • Make it bright. Exterior lighting is an excellent deterrent against unauthorized entry onto your property. Focus lighting on doorways, windows and other entry points.
  • The security of your property is only as good as its weakest point.  Build in warning signals to alert you when something is not working properly and regularly inspect and test your security.
  • Know the open and shut facts on doors. Installing doors that open outwards makes it difficult for criminals to pry doors open or kick them in. For doors with windows, consider installing wired glass or protective plastic film.
Looking for more? We have the information you need:
  • Visit view our key tips for preventing crime and vandalism - easily copied and then sent to our clients.
  • View our Graffiti Prevention Tips in our knowledge centre at - our client can quickly access and start using these today to help protect their building! Send them to The Dominion's YouTube channel or link to the checklists to your website.
  • Send our clients to view the video entitled the Keys to Business Protection for Crime & Vandalism at
  • Send our clients helpful hints and tools branded by The Dominion and our brokerage.

Share the series on your social media - directly from YouTube!
Each video on YouTube has a "Share" button directly on the video bar. Click this button, and choose one of the social media buttons below share this video with our network. Popular social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, are integrated here. You can also add an introductory message, such as "A new video on fire prevention from The Dominion - check it out!"


Our Building Owner's Advantage Product offers insurance coverage for buildings and contents to ensure our commercial clients are covered. Peace of mind built just for them, in one convenient package. This product has many unique features to meet the needs of our clients - and not just for our realty accounts. This product was developed with all building owners in mind. For more information on our Building Owner's Advantage Product, visit or speak with our underwriter.

Sturino & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd.
7 Jopling Avenue South
Etobicoke, Ontario  M9B 3P4

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Water Damage Recommended Practices

It's refreshing on a hot day, a lot of fun at the beach, but it can ruin camping trips
...or seriously damage your building

Should our commercial clients be worried about water damaging their buildings? Yes!

Water is the number one cause of property damage for Canadian commercial building owners - damage can inlcude sewer backup or burst pipes, or issues with plumbing and roofs.

Fortunately, there are steps our commercial clients can take to prevent or mitigate water damage. Share what you know:

  • Severe weather patterns in Canada are on the rise; with this comes the increased risk of water damage to all buildings.
  • 4 signs of possible sewage back-up are:
    • sewage odour
    • wet areas on the property
    • slow fixture drains
    • gurgling drin noises
  • Heads up! Cleaning debris from eavestroughs and keeping an eye on soil moisture levels around the building are simple ways to keep buildings protected.
  • Watch your water bill - unexpected increases in your water bill might mean you have a leak on your hands.
Looking for more? We have the information you need in the format our clients want:

  • Go to the following link to view our key tips for water damage prevention - easily copied and then sent to our clients.
  • Go to the following link to view our Water Damage Prevention checklist - a tool our client can quickly access and start using today! Send them to The Dominion's YouTube channel or link to the checklists to our website.
  • Send our clients our video: the Keys to Business Proection for Water Prevention.
  • Share one of the Tweets below.
  • Send our clients helpful hints and tools branded by The Dominion and our brokerage.

Our Building Owner's Advantage Product offers insurance coverage for buildings and contents to ensure our commercial clients are covered. Peace of mind built just for them, in one convenient package. This product has many extensions customized for the needs of our clients - and not just for our realty accounts. This product was developed with all buiding owners in mind. For more information on our Building Owner's Advantage Product, speak with our Underwriter.

#Water is the #1 cause of property #damage for commercial building owners. Do you know how to prevent it? Learn how at

Do you own a building? Are you worried about #waterdamage? Let's talk - I can help you develop a loss prevention plan.

Learn how to protect your building from #waterdamage, with help from @TheDominionINS.

Sturino & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd.
7 Jopling Avenue South
Etobicoke, Ontario  M9B 3P4

Fire Damage Recommended Practices

For thousands of years, it's helped mankind survive and thrive.
But, when it comes to your property, fire's simply not good for business.

Fire can wreak havoc on our client's buidling. Help your commercial and residential building owners develop a full understanding of their exposure - a fire assessment plan is a good place to start. Our clients can take steps to prevent or mitigate fire damage in their building simply by understanding their risks better.

In Canada, the top five causes of fire are:

1.  Electrical Distribution Equipment
2.  Flammable/Combustimble - liquid and/or gas ignition
3.  Cutting/Welding Equipment
4.  Heating Equipment Related
5.  Human Error

Our Monthly Fire Risk Checklist will help our clients understand what areas of their building's operations are most at risk for fire damage.

  • Smoke alarms save lives; providing early detection and warning of a fire allowing occupants time to get out of the building.  Diligently check smoke alarms and make sure that they are always in working order.
  • Housekeeping is key. Don't feed a fire! Keep all areas inside and outside of your building free from debris and build up. Use the Monthly Checklist can be found on the following link to help you focus on this.
  • Ensure fire prevention equipment is maintained, ready and accessible when needed. Regularly inspect your:
    • stand pipes and hoses
    • siamese connections
    • sprinklers
    • fire suppression systems
  • Fires in dumpsters are on the rise. Keep your dumpster away from your building so fire cannot spread from one to the other.
  • Go to the following link to view our key tips for fire damage prevention - easily copied and then sent to our clients.
  • Go to the following link to view our Fire Equipment Maintenance tool - one our client can quickly access and start using today to inspect their equipment! Send them to The Dominion's YouTube channel or link to the checklists to our website.
  • Send our clients our video: the Keys To Business Protection For Fire Prevention.
  • Share one of the Tweets below.
  • Send our clients helpful hints and tools branded by The Dominion and our brokerage.

Ask your underwriter for the brandable version of our printable educational materials today, and insert our brokerage's logo.
Embedding a video onto our website or within communications allow san individual to view the video then and there - directly on our site.
Embed our videos in our website in three easy steps:

1. Go to and choose the video you want to embed.
2. Each video on YouTube has a "Share" button directly on the video bar. Click this button - and choose the embed function.
3. Select your desired video size and use the embed code provided in the back end of your website or emails.


Our Building Owner's Advantage Product offers insurance coverage for buildings and contents to ensure our commercial clients are covers. Peace of mind built just for them, in one convenient pacakage. This product has many unique features to meet the needs of our clients - and not just for our realty accounts. This product was developed with all building owners in mind. For more information on our Building Owner's Advantage Product, speak with our Underwriter.

#Fire can wreak havoc on your building. Do you know how to prevent it? Learn a few quick tips in two minutes here
Do you know how your tenants' operations could impact your fire safety? Use this simple checklist to learn how: http://goo/gl/rk6TJ
Lean how to protect your building from #fire, with help from @TheDominionINS

Sturino & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd.
7 Jopling Avenue South
Etobicoke, Ontario  M9B 3P4