Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Equipment Failure Recommended Practices

...It's wonderful to shut it all off and enjoy the simpler things in life...
...But there's little to enjoy when your building's crucial systems such as boilers, air conditioning, elevators and electrical equipment break down.

A preventative maintenance program is our client's best bet to help combat equipment breakdown. Start with our Preventative Maintenance Program overview, found in our knowledge centre at - help our clients stop a problem before it escalates, saving them time and money.

A few key equipment failure facts to start:
  • Most equipment failure is the result of human error. Have processes and procedures in place that ensure the correct use of equipment.
  • Trust your eyes and ears. Keep an eye open for any irregularities with machinery and listen for noises that don't sound right. If you detect something, call a licensed professional to take a look.
  • For equipment new or old - be sure to check with the manufacturer for their recommendations regarding the type and frequency of maintenance.
  • In addition to your annual checkup - make sure to get a service contract so you receive prompt emergency service for key equipment such as air conditioning.
Looking for more? We have the information you need in the format our clients want:
  • Visit to view our key tips for preventing equipment failure - easily copied and then sent to our clients.
  • Visit to view our Heating Boiler Start-Up Overview - relevant for this time of year. Our client can quickly access and start using these tips today to help protect their building! Send them to The Dominion's YouTube channel or link to the checklists to our website.
  • Send our clients our video: the Keys to Business Protection for Preventing Equipment Failure.
  • Send our clients helpful hints and tools branded by The Dominion and our brokerage.

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Sturino & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd.
7 Jopling Avenue South
Etobicoke, ON  M9B 3P4

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