Monday, July 7, 2014

A well developed Fire Escape Plan could save your family

If a fire occurred in your home today, would your family get out safely?

Everyone must know what to do and where to go when the smoke alarm sounds. Take a few minutes with everyone in your household to make a home fire escape plan, following these steps:

Draw a floor plan of your home

Use a grid notebook to draw a plan for each level of your home and include all possible emergency exits. Draw in all the doors, windows, and stairways. this will show you and your family all possible escape routes at a glance. Include any features such as the roof of a garage or porch, that would help in escape.

Show two ways out of every room, if possible

The door will be the main exit from each room. However, if the door is blocked by smoke or fire, identify an alternate escape route, which could be a window. Make sure that all windows can open easily and that everyone knows how to escape through them safely. if windows have security bars, equip them with quick releasing devices.

Does anyone need help to escape?

Decide in advance who will assist the very young, older adults, or people with disabilities in your household. A few minutes of planning will save valuable seconds in a real emergency.

Choose a meeting place outside

Choose a meeting place a safe distance from your home that everyone will remember. A tree, street light, or a neighbor's home are all good choices. In case of a fire, everyone should head to this meeting place so you and your family is all accounted for.

Call the fire department outside your home

Don't waste valuable seconds calling the fire department from inside your home. Once you have safely escaped, call the fire department from a cell phone or a neighbor's home.

Practice your escape

Review the plan with everyone in your household and walk through all the escape routes. Make sure all the exits are practical and easy to use and practice so you wont hesitate as your escape routes may be quickly blocked by smoke or flames.


  • Plan two ways out of every room if possible
  • Once out always stay out - never re-enter a burning building
  • Hold a fire drill twice a year

If you live in a high-rise apartment building, contact the property manager or superintendent for information on your building's fire safety plan. 

At Sturino & Associates we want you to get the most up to date information and cater to all of your insurance needs. for more information call us at 416-233-8252 or drop by locally at 7 Jopling Avenue S. Etobicoke, ON.

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