Friday, November 19, 2010

Soaring Insurance Rates

Soaring Insurance Rates?
Say NO to Credit Scoring on Personal Property Insurance

A growing number of insurers are using a person’s credit score to measure their insured risk on personal property insurance. This has led to an increase in insurance premiums or a denial of insurance outright to many Ontario citizens.

The use of credit scoring impacts consumers who can least afford it. Most affected are newcomers to Canada, the unemployed, single income families and small business owners utilizing lines of credit. The use of credit scoring is not in the public interest.

Ontario does not allow this practice in auto insurance and it should not be allowed for home or other personal lines.

New Brunswick and Newfoundland have announced they are banning the practice entirely and the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) is asking the Ontario Government to do the same.

We are asking you to reach out to your local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP). You will find all of the necessary points of reference below which will properly prepare you for this outreach.

Have you recently noticed that your insurance premiums have increased? It might be because of your credit score. Check with your insurance company to see if they measure your rate by including your credit score as a major factor.

We also suggest contacting your local MPP. Your MPP may be surprised to hear, as are many Canadians, that this practice is taking place. We’ve included some key points below, which you can refer to during your meeting.

Write to your MPP and request a meeting. This issue rests in the hands of Ontario’s key decision makers and we need to bring awareness to the situation. Your involvement will show Ontario’s decision makers the severity of this issue and illustrate just how many Canadian families are being affected by this practice.

I am asking that you put an end to this unfair practice and ban the use of credit scoring to determine the price I pay for my property insurance.

Contact your MPP
Visit: to find your electoral district and MPP contact information.

Your initial step should be to write to your MPP to request a meeting. Stress that you would like meet with them to discuss this important issue in the next few weeks.

Check out this website for further information, on this link you can find a form letter to send to your MPP to contact them as was mentioned above:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Summer Photos 2009

This shot was taken from my personal photographers who are also great friends and clients, Angela and Claudio!

They have a website under the name: for more information.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthy Life Style Isagenix Experiment Day 6

Woke up checking my 6:00AM weight remains unchanged at 190 lbs.
I feel full in the stomach I decide to go back to shakes since it is better for me. I have another Lions function to attend and speak at. I am prepared to spend some time on a good meal in the evening. Drinking water makes me wish I could be quenched instead of the obligatory 64 oz of minimal daily intake.
I fall out of a chair at the Lions club and do major damage to my back Thank God I am able still drive home I think of hospitalization perhaps I could lose some weight there. I am determined to go further on with this daiet until I have lost some fat.
No more calls from super coach perhaps her success lies with other clients

Healthy Life Style Iasagenix Experiment Day 5

Spent most of my day in agony Major Intestinal Stoppage. Felt sick and uncofortable weight at 6:00AM again remains unchanged Tuesday is a special day not really thinking of anything to do. Getting ready to try cleansing. Carrying my drinks to the office no hunger pangs >since I am off caffeine I have no withdrawl symptoms. I cannot recall what a coffee actually tasted like never mind what a withdrawl must be this juice has too be taken daily four times. Cleansing is what it is all about.
One day and back to shakes energy level must be better I am not falling asleep at the office.
Weight remains unchanged at 190lbs.One of my client's has told me about a micro or macro biotic diet. I may try this.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthy Life Style Isagenix Experiment Day 3

Sunday morning I firmly believe there is something wrong with my scale.I knew this when I accepted this as a free gift from a client You get wghat you pay for in life.
My scale is totally devoid of truth Much less meaningful results come out on the numbets.
My weight remains unchanged at 190 lbs.
My day starts with Lions meeting then three hours of Tennis.
The secret of this diet rests in scaling back your Sensible meal" No alcohol and more water.
I shall persevere!

Healthy Life Style :Isagenxi Experiment Day 2

Day 2 weight unchanged 190lbs full day ahead I have cheated this day not sticking to the plan Ale consumption has dropped four hours of tennis is my justification.
This is more about food intake than physical activity.
The primary issue here is hydration if you consum enough water (64 oz daily consumption) anything can happen

The jars of powder and liquid look like they actually belong in my home.
Can I set the example here?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle: Isagenix Experiment

March 3, 2010 my package arrived by courier at my office I am $197.00 an dchange lighter however I have my plastic jars which remain unopened in a box on my kitchen table.
The same evening I am a guest at a testimonia sales presentation in a Tony neighbourhood full of big bosomed women well meaning and encouraging. I recognize that in spite of my good looks and charismatic charm I am going nowwhere here this evening.
I faithfuly move my shipping container to my bedroom unopened determined to start the program I weigh 195 lbs. gross slow and generally uncomfortable wit h my body.

Supercoach comes to my home telling how to pursue the process I seem dimwitted but nevertheless nod appreciatively for her time.March 9th the cylinders look nice on my kitchen table unopened Can I get my Money back?
Probably not.
Determined to go forth I set different start dates promising my coach that commencement i s but only hours away.

I slept bad last nighrt waking a 4:00AM alone angry and wide awake. My REM sleep arrives at 6:15am my coaches call arrives at 6:34AM

I am disciplined I take the call pumped and ready to go I drag all items to office to start the day.
I cannot read the instructions however I mmeasure too small my head aches I begin hallucinating more sleep deprivation than from the Two Shakes I had today.
Morning weight 190Lbs 5 lbs weight loss was more from stress than the product.

Dinner (alone Friday Night (loser) ) suggests that I have the disciplinre to go on to day two.
Will keep the results going daily so others can follow in my 9 which could become 11 day journey.

Sensible meal fish avocado and Romaine salad Red wine

Time for Cine Espanol at Club Hispano
More laterN

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Tennis

I have been playing Tennis for quite a number of years. My preferred time of play during the summer months is 6:00AM during the weekdays and 7:00AM during the weekends.I have encouraged many people to commence play at that time with all the usual reasons Free up your day, More energy to carry you throughout your day, the quiet of the morning etc.... Initially morning tennis had an appeal to a limited number of kindred souls willing to risk sleep deprivation in order to play. Tennis is a drug that has addictive qualities. Morning Tennis brings you your high early.

The variety of people who have played in my foursomes are all quite prepared to play at this ungodly hour because of their love of the game and they know where they can have a good match. I have been known to play up to 4 and five hours in a day YOUR TENNIS PARTNER WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN! OFTEN MORE FAITHFUL THAN ONE'S SPOUSE OR PARTNER ENCOURAGING AND CRITICAL AT THE SAME TIME.

Joining a club is not difficult Discipline and hard work are key ingredients in becoming a better player. No matter what level you are at if you are invited to play then consider yourself fortunate take it up and aim high.

Tennis allows all the different social groups to equalize on a court setting, Superior egos are quickly reduced to the fellow or lady that can give a great kick in their second serve or slice a ball and place it within their opponents court.

I have encouraged many people clients friends to join a club to better their performance and HAVE FUN!

Saturday was a long day but worth the effort!

Try it you will love it!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Use of Credit Scoring in RATING personal insurance

Some thoughts on the significant activity regarding credit scoring.

Some points:

The use of credit scoring has become widespread. Over 50% of companies are using credit scores when they underwrite.

There is little transparency with what these companies are using the information for.

There is no consistency with how the industry uses the information.

The "Insurance Companies" use of propriety rights makes it almost impossible for consumers to be informed on how using their credit score may affect them.

In this case, more regulation will produce better protections for those who are seeking insurance.

It is clear that many insurers are not handling the informaion in a responsible manner and this leads to less fairness and less confidence.

Insurance Brokers are supporting a complete ban on the use of credit scoring for personal insurance.

For more information, or any questions, regarding how credit scoring will affect your insurance CALL my office at: 416-233-8252

Healthy Lifestyle: My experiment with Isagenix International

I have recently subscribed to a 9 day detoxification and revitalization program provided by Isagenix International.

This is new territory for me and I will be giving a day by day update once I commence the program.

Keep checking my blog for updates!

CellPhone Driving Ban-Ontario, Canada

Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel!

Ontario is now the fourth province to ban hand-held wireless communication devices or any hand-held electronic entertainment devices while driving.

Drivers in Ontario are now prohibited by law to use hand-held cell phones, text or email, or view laptops or DVD Players while behind the wheel regardless of being at a stop light or in heavy traffic.

Drivers who text, type, email, dial or chat using a prohibited hand-held device can face fines up to $500 as well as possible demerit points, license suspension and/or imprisonment.

Hands-Free Devices Only

The new law applies only to hand-held wirless devices. This means drivers must only operate wireless devices that can be used in a hands-free manner.

Hands free includes, cell-phones with earpieces or headsets, GPS systems that are secured to the dashboard, or portable audio player plugged into the sound system.


If you would like a copy of our newsletter, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
Sturino & Associates Ins Brokers
7 Jopling Avenue South
Etobicoke, ON, M9B 3P4

Lions 2nd VDG Campaign 2010

See my campaign brochure for the upcoming convention. Let me know what you think!