Friday, September 26, 2014

Water Meter Program

We are proud to advise you as part of our ongoing insurance information program, specifically surrounding the subject of water, the following public service announcement for the city of Toronto.
The following piece of information highlights steps and procedures that must be followed in order to adapt to the new water reading system. This is also an ideal time to check the water shut off valve in your home or office to insure that it is fully operational.
This service is provided at no cost, and to the best of our understanding, its mandatory. You can direct your calls and inquiries to the numbers outlined on the following piece of information provided by the city of Toronto.

The Program

The City of Toronto is implementing a mandatory water meter program that will replace or install new automated meters in every home and business in the city, to provide an equitable system for all Toronto Water customers.
 The new system will help to keep better track of water consumption across the city, detect water loss more quickly and eliminate the need for City staff to go to homes to obtain water meter readings. It will also provide environmental benefits.
The program will be rolling out on a ward-by-ward basis. Residents will be notified by mail when installations begin in their wards.

A New Water Reading System

Your water meter will be part of the City's new automated reading system. This new technology will integrate all water meter reading, data storage and billing across the City of Toronto into one seamless system. Once installed, each water meter across the city will send data, several times a day, to a series of collection units. The data is then sent to a central server, which allows for fast, secure access and storage of all information.

All data contains only the water meter serial number and consumption data. No identifiable homeowner information is transmitted. The radio frequency used by the transmitter is a licensed frequency on which only water meters can operate.

Under the new system, all customers will pay for the water they actually use. The City will provide meters to those who were previously on a flat rate system and replace old existing meters with more efficient and up-to-date technology. Being aware of water use - and therefore being able to use water more efficiently - leads to benefits for all Torontonians.

About your free installation appointment

Appointments can be made by calling 416-23-METER (416-236-3837) or online at: Installations will take from 30 to 90 minutes and someone 18 years or older must be present. There are three different time blocks for appointments Monday to Friday as followed:
  • Morning block 8am to 12pm
  • Afternoon block 12pm to 4pm
  • Evening block 4pm to 8pm

Two additional weekend appointment blocks are also available as followed:
  • Morning block 9am to 1pm
  • Afternoon 1pm to 6pm
Prior to the installation please verify that your water main shut-off is working properly. If you are unsure how to do this, or the valve is faulty, please inform our operators when scheduling your appointment.
  • Only a Neptune installer can upgrade your water meter, and they will arrive at your home with photo ID and in uniform.
  • No installer will ask for any money at the door.
  • All installations will be done without charge to homeowners.
  • All installers are certified and trained to install water meters as per Ontario standards WMI-08.
  • The installation will take approximately 90 minutes for new meter installations and 30 minutes for homeowners with existing meters.
  • Homeowners can call 416-23-METER (416-236-3837) to verify the identity of an installer. Operators will have access to all installer information, including a photo.

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